Friday, August 12, 2011

The World As An Elephantine Orgone-Powered Radionics Device

Greetings! Welcome to the first Muse Letter.

This is a wonderful viewpoint - the world as a giant radionics device.
Let me explain, as there are many demonstrations of radionics.
Radionics comes from dowsing and the use of pendulums - radiesthesia.
This can also mean the detection and interpretation of vibration, frequency, energy.
I point out the use of pendulums and dowsing because radionics evolves in a similar way.
One can go from walking a field looking for water with physical dowsing rods,
to using a map - not needing to be present at the location...
to using a photo, or a bit of soil, or, when applied to dowsing the human energy field,
the human need not be present, but a photo or a nail clipping or hair or spit or whatever...
this evolves to not needing the dowsing rod or pendulum - one just knows intuitively,
is able to communicate consciously (individual) with the subconscious (universal).
So just as a pendulum uses a map or diagram to indicate what the swinging means
(clockwise for 'yes', counterclockwise for 'no'; or front to back for 'yes' and side to side for 'no' -
it doesn't matter which way, as long as you and your subconsicous have an agreement that
"this" means "that") so too does a radionics device use lots of dials and scales to indicate
the presence or absence of, say, this vitamin, or that flower essence, or this astrological influence,
or that homeopathic tincture, etc, etc. You can have dials for anything you want!
And you can increase or decrease whatever you want - the device interprets or receives
what is needed, similar to a pendulum by asking questions and receiving answers, but also can send
the appropriate energy because you program it with that information/intent.
So as you can see, the radionics device is not necessary. They unplugged it from the wall
and it still worked. And eventually people figured out that they could do all this without the machine -
the machine is a tool to merely focus one's own energies/intent.
To connect this with orgone, it was found that the addition of orgone or chi technology increased
the effectiveness and productivity of the machine. The orgone made the whole process more
sensitive, and gave additional force/strength to the healings. Well, the human being is all these
things - an orgone powered radionics device. So is the earth.
A human is a microcosm of the macrocosm.

Look at the layers of the earth and its atmoshere - like orgone layers.
Look at the layers of the human energy field...
Do you notice the correspondence of the narrow band of visible light in the electromagnetic
spectrum and the narrow "band" of organic life on the surface of the earth that allows interaction
of the above and below? Do you understand the layering or organic and inorganic materials?
Reich's four essential stages of life?

"The physiologic process of erection of the male penis provided the beginning formula for Reich’s
great scientific discoveries. Before male orgasm, he noted four distinct and separate processes that
had to take place physiologically. First is the necessary psychosexual build-up or “tension.” Second,
the “charge” that accompanies tumescence of the penis, which Reich measured electrically. Third, the
electrical “discharge” at the moment of orgasm. And fourth, the final “relaxation” of the penis."
"Reich observed these four essential stages (tension, build-up, discharge and relaxation) in all aspects
of life forms he examined. In the orgasm process of sex, he discovered a unique energetic life force that
pervaded all nature. Reich named this force “orgone energy.”"

This is magick. This is alchemy.
This is yin and yang, sun and moon, fire and water, heaven and earth.

So with all this orgone energy available from the microcosm and the macrocosm, what's the problem?
Why aren't we experiencing this magick?

We are.

Your life is the PERFECT reflection of how you have programmed your/The mind/Mind/radionics device.
You really have to be conscious of how you define yourself and your/the world -
to be aware of what inner dialogue you are having.

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