Wednesday, August 31, 2011

already there

So this is the story of the fish not knowing what water is.
We do not need to learn how to operate this universal mind/radionics machine,
so much as we need to realise it is now, and always has been, in place and operating 100%.
So much of magick is not about gaining power, but about the way we define reality.
The same power with which we brush our hair is all the power it takes to intend... to intend anything!
It comes down to our choices - the choices of our everyday lives.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is one of emphasis;
every choice can be aware, dire, intense/intentional... or it can be unconscious and inert.

From the still and silent depths of the void, there comes the Primum Mobile.
Mobile... motive... moving... motivation... momentum...
The sulfur of the Alchemists... light... logos... the rational soul...

What do you want? (volition)
Where do you place your thoughts, your heart, your energy?
That is the life you will have, the arena you will enter.
"The Universe rearranges itself to accomodate your picture of reality."
So if you want magick, you merely define your reality magickally;
that is elastically, fluidly, uncertainly, mysteriously.
And the most significant part of reality that you must redefine is you - your identity.
You must become a mystery to yourself if you wish to be unlimited.

All life is magickal. We are already magickal beings.
Perhaps your magick is to hold down a 9 to 5, or a relationship.
Perhaps it is to control others around you, or perhaps to free them.
Perhaps your magick is to separate, perhaps to unify.
According to our definitions, we are somewhere in the scale of manipulating some things
and being manipulated by others; somewhere between gods and men.
We can fight amongst eachother for energy, attention, admiration... as if there is not enough for all,
or we can realise the source and align our intent with the One.
The choices are ours to make.
And it seems to me that there is a corresponding energy for each choice/consciousness.
A choice of separation places one in an energy that requires us to struggle to swim against the stream,
whereas choices tending towards union and Oneness seem to create an environment of ease
and providence.
The choices we make define the density of our consciousness (and therefore our reality) and the
speed at which time passes.

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