Monday, August 15, 2011

continued... part 2

I was thinking today how life is a radionics device.
In radionics/radiesthesia one asks yes/no questions repeatedly until receiving the answer
one is looking for. In life it is the same, only the time frame is longer (but it needn't be):
"Am I happy in my relationship?"
"Is this the kind of parent I want to be?"
"Is my spiritual path fulfilling?"
"Do I want to continue my present job?"
etc, etc...
And the answers change and evolve as we grow. But we usually take a lot of time
figuring out these answers. We can stay at a job or in a relationship for a very long time
knowing that it isn't satisfying. Why do we do that? In radionics when you get a "no" response,
you immediately move on to the next subject. :)
Can you imagine how poorly our radionics machine would serve us if we stayed with a "no"
because of our beliefs or fears, our shoulds and should nots.
Can you imagine all that orgone/chi being detoured away from our true desires and into
upholding a more "socially correct" system?
Magicians are not conformists. They're generally independant and eccentric and don't give a
damn what anyone else thinks or what is morally or socially correct.
Magick, in fact, requires that we allow ourselves the freedom to undefine or redefine everything.
That's why it's magick - it doesn't fit the "normal" definition, it may not be "scientific",
it may not be "reasonable" - but it works, simply because you have agreed with your/the
subconscious that "this" is "that".
Remember how with Don Juan (Castaneda) rocks were strings, or the wind was something
quite different than convection currents? :) Don juan didn't even know who he himself was.
Now that's freedom! That's a radionics device with massive potential.

I hope you have seen clearly that your brain is a radionics machine.
Oh, I forgot to mention the individual who was illustrating a diagram of the radionics device
and he found that the 2-d diagram served as a radionics machine just as well as a 3-d machine!
So your brain and its neuronets rely on symbolism as well. When you think "banana", there's a
group of neurons that are responsible for shapes: "square" - no, "circle" - no, "crescent" - yes!
and for colors: "red" - no, "blue" - no, "yellow" - yes!
and smells and tastes, etc.
And these different neuronets are wired together, just like the wires of a radionics machine.
And if you haven't conceived the possibility, that possibility isn't wired yet.
Conceive the possibility, the veritable truth, of radical magickal reality.
This is what is happening with me, even greater than I ever dreamed.
I'm not just telling you theory or book knowledge. This is my new life.
This is why it deserved a new blog.

Next we'll discuss orgone devices because these make a huge difference.
I've known the theory for many years, but only recently has my alchemy, along with my
orgone devices, allowed me to accumulate enough energy to see and do magick
effortlessly and with instantaneous effects.

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