Saturday, October 29, 2011

conscience as pendulum/mercury

If we are interested enough, life is always telling us "yes" or "no".

"Conscience," says Dr. South, "is a Latin word, though with an English
termination, and, according to the very notation of it, imports a double or
joint knowledge; to wit, one of a divine law or rule, and the other of a man's
own action; and so is properly the application of a general law to a particular
instance of practice." - Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists... by
Ethan Allen Hitchcock

Diplomat = double science

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

the great duality

There is a lot one can do with their two hands and an extensive binary inventory.

yin                           yang
female                     male
passive                    active
patient                     agent
magnetic                  electric
no                           yes
left                          right
low                         high
black                      white
curves                     angles
even                       odd
horizontal                vertical
cold                        hot
water                      fire
contraction              expansion
gravity                     levity
centripetal               centrifugal
saturn                      jupiter
moon                      sun
mercury                  sulphur
venus                      mars
devil                       god
serpent                   eagle
hell                         heaven.....

Hermetic law states that everything has its opposite - the law of polarity.
Nothing is entirely yin or entirely yang. These two are always in flux,
wrestling for dominion. They are also rarely in perfect balance. One is
dominant/excessive while the other is deficient.

In place of a pendulum, one may use their hands to divine.
Hold your right hand vertically, palm facing left.
Hold your left hand horizontally, palm facing down.
Hold the two hands in this manner one foot apart in front of your chest.
Establish rapport; you should be able to feel, in response to your query,
an emphasized warmth in the right hand for yang answers or coolness in
the left hand for yin answers. You can invent your own variations if you
are not fond of this one - one hand up and the other down, one hand closed
and the other open, etc. Whatever establishes good rapport/communication
between your conscious and subconscious.
With some ingenuity, there are endless applications for this. Anything can be
encrypted into binary code. Your hands can be your radionics device.
You may attract/invoke or repel/banish anything you desire.
Remember Crowley's theorem 18: "He may attract to himself any force of the
Universe by making himself a fit receptacle for it, and arranging conditions so
that its nature compels it to flow toward him."

That's Feng Shui. It's very rewarding to know your yin and yang in Nature and
in oneself, in everyday life.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the world one perceives is a description

"The basic premise of sorcery for a sorcerer is that the world of everyday life is not real,
or out there, as we believe it is. For a sorcerer, reality, or the world we all know, is only
a description.
For the sake of validating this premise I will concentrate the best of my efforts into leading
you into a genuine conviction that what you hold in mind as the world at hand is merely a
description of the world; a description that has been pounded into you from the moment
you were born.
Everyone who comes into contact with a child is a teacher who incessantly describes the
world to him, until the moment when the child is capable of perceiving the world as it is
described. We have no memory of that portentous moment, simply because none of us
could possibly have had any point of reference to compare it to anything else. From that
moment on, however, the child is a member . He knows the description of the world;
and his membership becomes full-fledged, perhaps, when he is capable of making all
the proper perceptual interpretations which, by conforming to that description, validate it.
The reality of our day-to-day life, then, consists of an endless flow of perceptual interpretations
which we, the individuals who share a specific membership, have learned to make in common.
The idea that the perceptual interpretations that make up the world have a flow is congruous
with the fact that they run uninterruptedly and are rarely, if ever, open to question. In fact the
reality of the world we know is so taken for granted that the basic premise of sorcery, that
our reality is merely one of many descriptions, can hardly be taken as a serious proposition.
Fortunately for you, I'm not concerned at all with whether or not you can take my proposition
seriously, and thus I will proceed to elucidate my points, in spite of your opposition, your
disbelief, and your inability to understand what I am saying. Thus, as a teacher of sorcery,
my endeavor is to describe the world to you. Your difficulty in grasping my concepts and
methods will stem from the fact that the units of my description are alien and incompatible
with those of your own." - Carlos Castaneda

I was having the distinct impression last night that this is a very literal truth. The way I worded it
was thus:
"The only difference between sleeping and awake/enlightened is that when one is enlightened
they are able to describe reality with a particular syntax which is archetypal."

Archetypal is equal to cosmic consciousness and christ consciousness.

This gave a whole new spin to the meaning of Logos. "In the beginning was the Word..."
The Word made flesh is Christ (Iesous = 888).
8 = spider/arachne - the spinner of webs.

The magickal world is highly influenced by spin.
Today's spin doctors were yesterday's witch doctors.
One has to be very intentional about what kinds of spin they adopt,
especially if one believes. Belief is a very powerful form of magnetism.
The old ways were highly centered around belief.
Today, we are highly centered around science.
But science is merely belief with a seal of approval from reason.
Facts of science are really no more true than beliefs or superstitions.
When science says X is proven to cause cancer, you still have a choice whether to
believe or adopt that description. There are plenty of people that don't get cancer from X.
So science is not the last word on anything. Scientific proof is simply one more form of syntax;
one which we have given credence to in an unconscious way, simply because it is said to be
proven, or this experiment had these results. Calling it scientific fact/proof is simply the spin
that the witch doctors use today to deliver a program without it being scrutinized by the will,
the same way religions use the "word of God".

We are each the authors/authorities of our scripts, our lives, our descriptions, our world views.
Be full of care when considering surrendering that ability to another, especially if you watch the
news. That is the arena of spin sorcerers and black magicians.
But do not be so cautious as to give it more power... any description is merely one among millions.
They're really neither good or bad. It's just a choice of responsibility. Just be aware that the world
is being spun, by you, or by someone else for you, but ultimately always by you.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

life is tension

When we see the truth of life being tension, alot of definitions change to align with this.

Without the unending battle of yin and yang, life does not exist.
Life is a balance - not a nice passive one, but a fierce ever-changing one.

Galaxies and atoms are a balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces.
A cell is a balance between the environment outside the wall and within it.
The earth is a balance of hot and cold, wet and dry...

So too is one's personal life a balance of ups and downs, sorrows and joys, etc...

Do not think/define that enlightenment is the end of swings, for the end of swing is the end of life.
"Enlightenment" is the wisdom and acceptance of swing... the Tao.
Magick is simply where we place ourselves relative to the swings of life.

already there

So this is the story of the fish not knowing what water is.
We do not need to learn how to operate this universal mind/radionics machine,
so much as we need to realise it is now, and always has been, in place and operating 100%.
So much of magick is not about gaining power, but about the way we define reality.
The same power with which we brush our hair is all the power it takes to intend... to intend anything!
It comes down to our choices - the choices of our everyday lives.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is one of emphasis;
every choice can be aware, dire, intense/intentional... or it can be unconscious and inert.

From the still and silent depths of the void, there comes the Primum Mobile.
Mobile... motive... moving... motivation... momentum...
The sulfur of the Alchemists... light... logos... the rational soul...

What do you want? (volition)
Where do you place your thoughts, your heart, your energy?
That is the life you will have, the arena you will enter.
"The Universe rearranges itself to accomodate your picture of reality."
So if you want magick, you merely define your reality magickally;
that is elastically, fluidly, uncertainly, mysteriously.
And the most significant part of reality that you must redefine is you - your identity.
You must become a mystery to yourself if you wish to be unlimited.

All life is magickal. We are already magickal beings.
Perhaps your magick is to hold down a 9 to 5, or a relationship.
Perhaps it is to control others around you, or perhaps to free them.
Perhaps your magick is to separate, perhaps to unify.
According to our definitions, we are somewhere in the scale of manipulating some things
and being manipulated by others; somewhere between gods and men.
We can fight amongst eachother for energy, attention, admiration... as if there is not enough for all,
or we can realise the source and align our intent with the One.
The choices are ours to make.
And it seems to me that there is a corresponding energy for each choice/consciousness.
A choice of separation places one in an energy that requires us to struggle to swim against the stream,
whereas choices tending towards union and Oneness seem to create an environment of ease
and providence.
The choices we make define the density of our consciousness (and therefore our reality) and the
speed at which time passes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Orgone, Chi, Prana, Vril, etc...

I mentioned that I would write about orgone devices, but there is really enough of this on the web;
it's just a matter of delving in and making them and experimenting for yourself.
Magick is really difficult to pin down or give a recipe for because our personal "radionics
devices", definitions, interpretations, etc, are so personal. I can't say that because something
works for me it will work for anyone else. It's really amazing - all this knowledge about
magick has been around a long time. The knowledge doesn't change. There's just something
in oneself that changes and everything gets "turned on" and starts working.
For me, doing alchemy with a focus on silicates has evolved some wonderful elixirs that open
me up and activate my energy. Orgone devices have really helped too, but I make mine
with a matrix of sands instead of metal turnings. This works great for me, maybe because of my
alchemical association with silicates.

I encourage you to discover your own devices. Once you've grasped Reich's four step
(tension, charge, discharge, relaxation) you can imagination all kinds of ways to use this.
Everything begins to look like Orgone. We see it in breathing, sex magick, hatha yoga,
alchemy... and seeing it makes it respond more to you. This is the magickal aspect
of Orgone - it is, among many things, a psycho-energetic force.

Alchemically, Reich's four step is saturn, mars, venus and jupiter (which also compose the
greek "tetrasomy"). Alchemically, we see the rise in temperature which Reich noticed as
our secret fire. Alchemically, we can now understand the "physics" behind ormus and pH swings,
or the collecting (or manufacturing) of dew where hot and cold meet (try placing fire and ice
on opposite sides of a sheet of glass), and the gathering of clouds. Perhaps you can even see
how nitre (dew) and sea salt should really be alchemically treated. Orgone certainly sheds light
on circulation, and the multiple solve/coagulas. But it also reveals a radical way of "circulating"
matter without flame.

While you're thinking of Orgone devices, don't forget magnets, piezoelectrics, triboelectrics,
magnifying lenses and mirrors, crystals, geometry, dielectrics, cones, pyramids, antennae, etc, etc.

There are some geomantic revelations that i haven't had much time to experiment with yet, but
I'll share them with you anyway. If you are familiar with the Archeus of Water, you understand
that the twelve different waters one attains through distillation have unique properties. What
struck me was the similarity between these various waters of the Archeus and the various
principles of the I Ching trigrams and hexagrams, and the geomantic figures; that, and the
correspondence between these and Reich's alternating layers of organic and inorganic materials.
If we substitute yin and yang for organic and inorganic, one can view the geomantic figures
or hexagrams as ways to layer materials to invoke a specific energy. Also remember that the
diagram of the radionics machine worked just as well as the radionics machine. Well, these are
diagrams, symbols, of alternating layers.

So now we are getting into big secrets and big magick. As far as i know, Reich only experimented
with alternating layers. But the I Ching suggests different combinations, not always alternating.
So if you haven't grasped what i am suggesting, here's a practical example. If you'd like to make
an orgone device for manifesting wealth, you might try layering your organics and inorganics
according to hexagram 14 - "great possessing" - fire over heaven - or, yang-yin-yang-yang-
yang-yang. Or geomantically, one could make an athanoor that provides Aries energy by
layering your materials after Puer: yang-yang-yin-yang.

Monday, August 15, 2011

continued... part 2

I was thinking today how life is a radionics device.
In radionics/radiesthesia one asks yes/no questions repeatedly until receiving the answer
one is looking for. In life it is the same, only the time frame is longer (but it needn't be):
"Am I happy in my relationship?"
"Is this the kind of parent I want to be?"
"Is my spiritual path fulfilling?"
"Do I want to continue my present job?"
etc, etc...
And the answers change and evolve as we grow. But we usually take a lot of time
figuring out these answers. We can stay at a job or in a relationship for a very long time
knowing that it isn't satisfying. Why do we do that? In radionics when you get a "no" response,
you immediately move on to the next subject. :)
Can you imagine how poorly our radionics machine would serve us if we stayed with a "no"
because of our beliefs or fears, our shoulds and should nots.
Can you imagine all that orgone/chi being detoured away from our true desires and into
upholding a more "socially correct" system?
Magicians are not conformists. They're generally independant and eccentric and don't give a
damn what anyone else thinks or what is morally or socially correct.
Magick, in fact, requires that we allow ourselves the freedom to undefine or redefine everything.
That's why it's magick - it doesn't fit the "normal" definition, it may not be "scientific",
it may not be "reasonable" - but it works, simply because you have agreed with your/the
subconscious that "this" is "that".
Remember how with Don Juan (Castaneda) rocks were strings, or the wind was something
quite different than convection currents? :) Don juan didn't even know who he himself was.
Now that's freedom! That's a radionics device with massive potential.

I hope you have seen clearly that your brain is a radionics machine.
Oh, I forgot to mention the individual who was illustrating a diagram of the radionics device
and he found that the 2-d diagram served as a radionics machine just as well as a 3-d machine!
So your brain and its neuronets rely on symbolism as well. When you think "banana", there's a
group of neurons that are responsible for shapes: "square" - no, "circle" - no, "crescent" - yes!
and for colors: "red" - no, "blue" - no, "yellow" - yes!
and smells and tastes, etc.
And these different neuronets are wired together, just like the wires of a radionics machine.
And if you haven't conceived the possibility, that possibility isn't wired yet.
Conceive the possibility, the veritable truth, of radical magickal reality.
This is what is happening with me, even greater than I ever dreamed.
I'm not just telling you theory or book knowledge. This is my new life.
This is why it deserved a new blog.

Next we'll discuss orgone devices because these make a huge difference.
I've known the theory for many years, but only recently has my alchemy, along with my
orgone devices, allowed me to accumulate enough energy to see and do magick
effortlessly and with instantaneous effects.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The World As An Elephantine Orgone-Powered Radionics Device

Greetings! Welcome to the first Muse Letter.

This is a wonderful viewpoint - the world as a giant radionics device.
Let me explain, as there are many demonstrations of radionics.
Radionics comes from dowsing and the use of pendulums - radiesthesia.
This can also mean the detection and interpretation of vibration, frequency, energy.
I point out the use of pendulums and dowsing because radionics evolves in a similar way.
One can go from walking a field looking for water with physical dowsing rods,
to using a map - not needing to be present at the location...
to using a photo, or a bit of soil, or, when applied to dowsing the human energy field,
the human need not be present, but a photo or a nail clipping or hair or spit or whatever...
this evolves to not needing the dowsing rod or pendulum - one just knows intuitively,
is able to communicate consciously (individual) with the subconscious (universal).
So just as a pendulum uses a map or diagram to indicate what the swinging means
(clockwise for 'yes', counterclockwise for 'no'; or front to back for 'yes' and side to side for 'no' -
it doesn't matter which way, as long as you and your subconsicous have an agreement that
"this" means "that") so too does a radionics device use lots of dials and scales to indicate
the presence or absence of, say, this vitamin, or that flower essence, or this astrological influence,
or that homeopathic tincture, etc, etc. You can have dials for anything you want!
And you can increase or decrease whatever you want - the device interprets or receives
what is needed, similar to a pendulum by asking questions and receiving answers, but also can send
the appropriate energy because you program it with that information/intent.
So as you can see, the radionics device is not necessary. They unplugged it from the wall
and it still worked. And eventually people figured out that they could do all this without the machine -
the machine is a tool to merely focus one's own energies/intent.
To connect this with orgone, it was found that the addition of orgone or chi technology increased
the effectiveness and productivity of the machine. The orgone made the whole process more
sensitive, and gave additional force/strength to the healings. Well, the human being is all these
things - an orgone powered radionics device. So is the earth.
A human is a microcosm of the macrocosm.

Look at the layers of the earth and its atmoshere - like orgone layers.
Look at the layers of the human energy field...
Do you notice the correspondence of the narrow band of visible light in the electromagnetic
spectrum and the narrow "band" of organic life on the surface of the earth that allows interaction
of the above and below? Do you understand the layering or organic and inorganic materials?
Reich's four essential stages of life?

"The physiologic process of erection of the male penis provided the beginning formula for Reich’s
great scientific discoveries. Before male orgasm, he noted four distinct and separate processes that
had to take place physiologically. First is the necessary psychosexual build-up or “tension.” Second,
the “charge” that accompanies tumescence of the penis, which Reich measured electrically. Third, the
electrical “discharge” at the moment of orgasm. And fourth, the final “relaxation” of the penis."
"Reich observed these four essential stages (tension, build-up, discharge and relaxation) in all aspects
of life forms he examined. In the orgasm process of sex, he discovered a unique energetic life force that
pervaded all nature. Reich named this force “orgone energy.”"

This is magick. This is alchemy.
This is yin and yang, sun and moon, fire and water, heaven and earth.

So with all this orgone energy available from the microcosm and the macrocosm, what's the problem?
Why aren't we experiencing this magick?

We are.

Your life is the PERFECT reflection of how you have programmed your/The mind/Mind/radionics device.
You really have to be conscious of how you define yourself and your/the world -
to be aware of what inner dialogue you are having.